Carbon Lenticular Filters

functions similarly to a clarification/ prefiltration filter with added decolorization capabilities. This is achieved through its unique media formulation. Like other Carbon Lenticular Filters, the activated carbon used in Trinity filters has complex properties to effectively remove impurities. The specific adsorption characteristics of the carbon need to match the application and the contaminants present. Different impurities and process liquids require different adsorption behaviors from the Lenticular Filter Cartridges. To address this, Trinity's

Lenticular Filter Cartridges

media incorporates carbon particles held within a structured cellulose matrix. This matrix plays a crucial role.

Directed Flow Path: The matrix diverts the low of the liquid, forcing it to travel through the Lenticular Filter Cartridges.

Enhanced Contact: This directed low ensures intimate contact between the impurities and the surfaces and pores within the Carbon Lenticular Filters. The result is optimal adsorption of impurities, leading to efficient removal of trace contaminants and achieving the desired decolorization effect.

  • Graded Density Structure for effective pre filtration and final filtration.
  • Extremely consistent manufacturing
  • Made of 100% pure polypropylene
  • Free of binders, adhesive and surfactants
  • General water grade, High performance grade and Absolute grade filters available
  • Configurations available to retrofit most industry standards
  • Coreless structure for easy cartridge incineration and disposal
Materials of Construction

The filters are composed of an activated carbon impregnated media, cellulose fibers, polypropylene spacers, end caps and edge seals.


Typical extractable levels have been determined by laboratory analysis utilizing a dynamic flow rinse procedure. Inorganic extractables are quantified by atomic emission analytical techniques.

  • Bio-pharmaceutical industry
  • Chemical industry
  • Food & Beverage Industry
  • Herb Extraction / Cannabis industry